Healing the Motherline 
"Heal the difficult relationship you have with your mother without causing more damage" 
Who is this for? 
This is for men and women who have started to recognise through therapy or through a caring role for their mothers that there were actually some fundamental gaps in the relationship and you are questioning if you can heal these? 
Who is this not for? 
This is not for men or women who have a good relationship with their mothers. 
Want to learn about their father's lineage 
Feel that they do not suffer with low self worth 
Feel they have their boundaries in place 
Do not want to feel uncomfortable in any way and would rather stay in denial that there is some healing to be done. 
What is at the core of your negative self beliefs 
How to release negative internal messages 
How to forgive yourself and your mother 
How to feel into being authentically you.  
It's time to stop the cycle of dysfunction of your mother line and be the one to make changes.  
What you will come away with? 
A decision as to whether forgiveness is possible (it may or may not be) 
Understanding of your resentment and the impact on yourself, 'let go' of resentments 
Release your anger and the impact it has on you as well as finding a way to make peace with yourself  
Personal healing and finding peace of mind in the relationship or non relationship with your mother 
Start to feel like you can actually be you for the first time in your life 
Understand who you are and where your boundaries need to be. 
Explore your ancestral lines bringing meaning to everything 
Build a relationship with your inner child allowing her to be supported now 
I can't wait to facilitate this transformative work with you 
Meet Vanessa 
After years of active and chronic addiction I came into recovery in 2001 to be confronted with a whole heap of self love work I needed to do. 
I was terrified of judgement and was a chronic people pleaser.  
I struggled to take risks as I was worried of failure and what people would think. 
My life was limited as a result and I felt frustrated with my inauthenticity. 
Following a life transition into running my own business in 2017 (the business of my dreams) I ventured onto a spiritual path which took me to Australia to a retreat last year. 
There I connected with some of my lineage. I had always been curious about my grandmother who was an alcoholic. Was that where I got it from? 
My journey since then has involved a deeper level of healing and discovery and I am so excited to share this with others to help them 'Heal their mother line' and release what has been passed down to us in dysfunction and mental struggles due to the restrictions that have been placed on women for so many years.  
"Accidentally finding Vanessa was definitely a lucky day for me. Unlike some others, 
Vanessa did not channel me into her predetermined route to recovery. She enabled me to 
take my own journey, letting go of unhelpful memories and discovering acceptance of the 
things that I can’t change. In her calm, non-judgemental way, Vanessa really listened both 
to my words and silences. Her suggestions were always helpful and encouraged me to 
continue on to the peaceful place I am in now." Gill 
"I would recommend this course to anyone that has a challenging relationship with their mother. It has really helped me to build better understanding of the impact of my mother’s behaviour on my own behaviour. This awareness and understanding, together with powerful meditations led by Vanessa, has enabled me to accelerate my own healing journey. Furthermore, the opportunity to share my journey within a safe and understanding group of people with similar experiences, has been an absolute privilege". Mandy  
"I can wholly recommend Vanessa’s Healing the Mother line online course… I was at my wits end caring for my elderly mother following my fathers’ death. I was in a cycle of over stretching and compromising myself and feeling so angry and resentful I wanted to scream. The childhood emotional neglect I experienced emerged like a volcano and I was aware this was so harmful to both my spirit and my mums. Vanessa’s course has flowed beautifully… I have managed to journey with each emerging phase of this healing process in a kind and gentle way. This was really important to me as my stress levels were already very high so this nurturing approach was exactly what was needed. I would highly recommend this course to anyone wishing to gain resolution with any painful feelings and blocks in their mother relationship." Jayne 

This is for you if...  

You struggle with low self value 

You find yourself accepting crumbs of attention or reward, and recognise this is what you have been used to all of your life. You know that this may be due to neglect or childhood trauma but you just can not shift that pattern in your life and feel so frustrated with it.  

You identify as a 'people pleaser'  

You keep finding yourself in relationships with people who have narcissitic personalities even though you don't want to be. Or you know that you people please all the time but simply find it impossible to stop.  

You have a strained or difficult relationship with your mother  

You want to forgive your mother but do not know how, this applies also if she is not longer with us. You have lots of resentments and difficulties around your mother and have tried all different ways to address this such as tolerating her, ignoring her, reducing contact, trying to be nice, people pleasing, the list goes on but nothing seems to release that internal pain and irritation with her.  
This is not your ordinary course. 
You will be digging deep, discovering parts of yourself and making peace with those providing you with a real sense of self belief , hope, acceptance and acknowledgement, perhaps for the first time ever.  
How does it work and what's included 
- 3months of live coaching calls (once every 2 weeks) - 7 live calls in total. Mondays 6-7.30pm.  
- Lifetime access to course materials, meditations and coaching videos 
Week 1 Remove your inner critic 
Week 2 Inner calm 
Week 3 Your rights putting your needs first 
Week 4 Family systems, roles and cutting the cords 
Week 5 Boundaries and co-dependency 
Week 6 Looking at your geneology 
Week 7 Trauma and letting go 
Week 8 Loving kindness 
Week 9 Self soothing 
Week 10 Working on our anger 
Week 11 Resentments 
Week 12 Forgiveness 
Week 13 Epigenetics 
Week 14 Inner child healing 
Investment £999, limited time only. 
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