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Hello! I am so excited you are here! 
Welcome to your bonuses page for my book The REBEL method.  
I am so thrilled that you have purchased my book and I know that these bonuses and exercises will really enhance your experience of this journey with me. 
After all these are all exercises I have personally used in my life and they REALLY work. I am living proof of that. 


To get started on our time together, try this little questionnaire.  
It will only take you a couple of minutes and it will help you to find out which parts of the REBEL method will be best for you to have in your life. Of course, all of it will be helpful, but different life relationship types will find different parts of the REBEL method more in line with their needs.  

CHAPTER 2 - My Story 

Use this pdf to access the many different exercises you will find in the book to support you, 
Do let me know if you have any moments of clarity, any insights or learning that you gain from doing the exercises. 
I would love to hear from you. 
Email: vanessa@crystalclearcoaching.org 

CHAPTER 6 Educate The Mind 

Gratitude lists help you to focus on the positive things in your life. 
Reinforcing the positives in our lives will start to change your brain’s focus. Like a computer, what you feed into it will form what comes back of it. There is a saying ‘what wires together, fires together’. 
Click on the link below to access your 21 Days of Gratitude Plan. 

"CHAPTER 9" Live the life you dream of 

In this chapter I will take you on a meditation journey to find out what you truly want in your life and what can support you.  
Join me now and then use the page in your workbook to collage your findings or get an extra big piece of paper and stick what comes up for you on the paper. You can cut pictures out of magazines, print pictures off from the internet or simply draw or write down what comes up.  
It can be words, pictures or other items, leaves, flowers, whatever you can find.  
Be creative and allow it to flow, this is your life vision.  